
p. Andrej Brozovic ed équipe (Santa Severa)


Casa Beato Arsenio e Santa Severa - Santa Severa (RM)
Via Aurelia Km.55.200 - 00050 Santa Severa (RM)
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04 Giu 2023 - 10 Giu 2023



Spiritual Exercises in English – Andrej Brozovic and Santa Severa’s équipe

God created the world with his Word. God himself is dialogue and creates man in this dialogue. God’s Word, spoken in the beginning, remains alive. He continues to address his Word to men through history, many times and in different ways (Heb. 1:1). In the tumult of the world this Word is often stifled, while in silence it can be heard. The Exercises are a time of silence in our lives, where we are introduced to a prayer that is the expression of this relational dialogue. It educates us in discernment, makes us grasp through what thoughts, feelings, events in history God speaks to us, helping us to decipher His voice more consciously, to bring us to a free adherence that unites our will with His and thus create, together with Him, our existence.

The exercises are personally guided.

For more info