Letter to the Friends of the Aletti Center

After several months, we turn to all of you to thank you for the closeness that, truly in so many ways, you have shown us during this time.

The truth is not violent, it is not aggressive, so we wait, patient and trusting, for it to reveal itself; aware that there is a time for everything.

Many of you have asked us how the artistic work we have initiated and carried on for so many years will continue, and have reminded us – with great comfort – of the considerable help it has given to the Christian community.

As you know, in all these years the Aletti Centre has sought to work in an ecclesial manner. Given that we are dealing with liturgical art, the only way to do this is communally, where each one creates and works together with the others, and this creating and working together means transmitting the gift received to each other. This is the way in which the life of the ecclesial body emerges. It is the love with which each one works that makes the contribution of each one extraordinary, transforming it into a work in-common, a free synergy that is communicated as an open gift.

This is why we mention that, after many years of working side by side, the Atelier is now led by a management team, capable of assuming responsibility for a workshop from a theological-liturgical, artistic-creative, and a technical-administrative point of view. This will enable us to fulfil all the commitments made so far and to take on new ones.

Over the long years of the Atelier of Art, many of you have seen the team of artists working. At every construction site, we have been told that the work they created expressed the way in which they worked, which was even more beautiful than the work itself. We are aware that all this is not our merit, but a gift from God that must be welcomed and cherished, and for which we are immensely grateful. In this gratitude is also woven the trust of all those with whom we have worked and are working over the years, and of all those who, through these works, have been nourished in faith and hope.

With this gratitude we continue to entrust ourselves to the Father, from whom all good comes.

Maria Campatelli

and the Aletti Centre team